Design Science Association is a Portland, Oregon based outreach offering opportunities for education and adventure in the field of Creation Science. Highlights include:
MONTHLY MEETING: March 15, 2025
The Genesis Question: Long Days or Short, Local or Global?
Judy Salisbury
Join us as Judy Salisbury addresses the question of whether Genesis 1 & 2 should be considered allegorical or historical. Decide which makes more sense, a Theistic Evolution or Biblical Creation explanation. Was the flood a local or global event? Learn why these topics are important, as well as the implications and the impact of holding to either position.
~ What do theistic evolutionists say?
~ What do the scriptures say?
~ What evidence confirms the accounts?
~ What does it matter?
~ What is the impact?
Judy Salisbury, who founded Logos Presentations in 1994, is one of the most versatile speakers in the United States today. This former radio talk show host presents timely, encouraging, and equipping talks on topics from Christian Apologetics to Emotional Trauma for conferences, general assemblies, women’s retreats, and youth rallies. For twenty years, this author of eleven books volunteered in multiple capacities—medical and fire—as a first responder and trainer. Judy lives on the outskirts of Mount St. Helens with her husband, Jeff, where they home-schooled their two children K-12, co-authored the children’s book Finding Faithful Friends, served together on their local fire department, and enjoy an occasional marshmallow roast. For more information, please visit:
We meet the
third Saturday of each month from
9:00 am to 11:30 am at:
Greater Portland Bible Church
2374 SW Vermont Street
Portland, OR 97219
Design Science Association hosts field trips through Creation Encounter. Our purpose is to provide quality creation field study, tours, road guides, and other information glorifying God as Creator. We also conduct special field trips for local pastor groups, and offer "tailor-made" creation programs for various organizations. Our mission is to help believers defend the reliability of the Bible and to support the church in fulfilling its Great Commission.
The meeting will stream live every third Saturday of the month at 9am Pacific. Click below to watch it LIVE. Did you miss the Livestream? Don’t worry. It’s in our video archive on our YouTube channel.
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PMB 218, 465 NE 181st Ave.